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Oil price trend: Brent price today

Brent oil trend

Oil price trend

If you want to be constantly updated on oil price trends, FT Mercati offers a professional service to keep you up-to-date on oil and Brent prices.

Oil prices can be used as indicators of upcoming economic events. For example, a rise in the price of oil may signal incoming economic growth, while a fall may indicate a recession. For this reason, it is crucial to be constantly updated on the quotations of this very important commodity.

Main factors influencing oil prices

  • Global demand: demand for oil is growing slightly, supported by the post-pandemic economic recovery and growing demand in Africa and Asia. The economic cycle is particularly affecting the demand for oil products.
  • Supply increase: OPEC, the alliance of major oil producers, may decide to gradually increase oil production during the year, leading to an increase in supply and pressure on prices.
  • Release of strategic reserves: the US and other countries can release strategic oil reserves to counter rising prices.

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Oil price trends, Brent oil trends